Trust God Like Noah Did!
Memory Verse:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
May 7: God tells Noah to build an ark
Big Idea: No matter what other people think, we need to be obedient to God.
Scripture: Genesis 6:5-22
Worship Songs: Goodness Of God, You Make Me Brave, Whom Shall I Fear
Game Video: Books of the Bible Survival Game 1
Object Lesson: Winter Coat
May 14: The Flood
Big Idea: We all have sin that needs to be washed out of our lives.
Scripture: Genesis 7
Worship Songs: Whom Shall I Fear, Goodness Of God, No Longer Slaves
Game Video: Yo Mama Jokes
Object Lesson: Toilet Brush
May 21: Waiting for the flood to recede
Big Idea: God wants us to learn patience so we can wait for his best.Scripture: Genesis 8:1-14
Worship Songs: Goodness Of God, Ever Be, There's Nothing Our God Can't Do
Game Video: Dance Dance Freeze
Object Lesson: Slow Cooker
May 28: God makes a rainbow
Big Idea: God promised to make a way to save the whole world from sin.Scripture: Genesis 9:8-17
Worship Songs: No Longer Slaves, Goodness Of God, House Of The Lord
Game Video: Marble Race (Pink Wins)
Object Lesson: Nativity Scene