King Me!
Before the glory days of King David and King Solomon, Israel’s Monarchy got off to a rough start. After the period of the Judges, God led His people through a prophet. A prophet was someone who delivered God’s message to His people, but did not rule over them in power as a king would. Eventually, God’s people insisted upon having an earthly king like the surrounding nations did. We can learn a lot about God and ourselves through the events that unfolded during the first years of Israel’s monarchy.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2
Lesson 1: God calls us to be different, but the world calls us to fit in.
Synopsis: When the Israelites demanded that Samuel give them a king, God made it clear that they were not rejecting Samuel. They were rejecting God. God told Samuel to warn them about the servitude, demands, and taxes that a king will demand. Even after this warning, they insisted on having an earthly king so they could be ruled like the nations around them.
•••••Conform vs Transform… Jesus is our one true King.
Scripture: 1 Samuel 8, Romans 12:2
Lesson 2: When we reject God, we always settle for something less.
Synopsis: Not only did God give Israel a king, but He gave them the exact kind of king that they thought they wanted. Saul was one of the most handsome young men in Israel and stood a head taller than most other men. He was confident and capable. But still, in following an earthly king, God’s people settled for less. When we reject God’s way, we always compromise. We settle for less than what God has in store for us.
Charismatic leaders, novel ideas, and bright, shiny things can often seem to hold the promise of fulfillment. Jesus taught us that these earthly treasures are only temporary. But the heavenly treasures gained by following Him are eternal.
Scripture: 1 Samuel 9 & 10, Matthew 6:19-24
Lesson 3: Earthly standards don’t matter to God.
Synopsis: Israel rejected God as King & God rejected their King when Saul disobeyed Him. Saul won battles and established power. According to earthly standards, he was a success. But to God, Saul was a failure because he was disobedient and full of pride. Jesus was just the opposite. By earthly standards He was the leader of a failed movement, convicted as a criminal and subjected to a shameful execution. But by God’s standards, Jesus is the ultimate success because of His humility and obedience. And we are called to display this same kind of humility.
Scripture: 1 Samuel 13-15, Philippians 2:5-11
Lesson 4: God cares about who we are on the inside.
Synopsis: After rejecting Saul, God gave Israel King David; A man after His own heart. Tell the story of David being chosen as king. Be sure to highlight the humor in the fact that Jesse didn’t even bother to invite David for consideration. It is also a funny and awkward moment when someone is sent to get David, and Saul insists that everybody remain standing until David arrives. Focus on the fact that God chose David because of the man’s integrity and spirit, and didn’t care about the external things that caught the attention of people. At the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus internalized the external nature of God’s laws. He called attention to the heart condition behind sinful actions.
Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Matthew 5:21-48
Memory Verse: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.’” Romans 12:2a
Bible Story: God Chooses a King / 1 Samuel 8-16
Included Each Week: A craft, wiggle-tamer, table time activity, discussion questions, take-home page, and more.
Lesson 1:
Creative Teaching Method: Storytelling with Props
Lesson Focus: Jesus wants his followers to be different.
Lesson 2:
Creative Teaching Method: Storytelling with Pictures
Lesson Focus: Sometimes we are tempted to follow the examples of other people instead of Jesus.
Lesson 3:
Creative Teaching Method: Storytelling with Interactive Roleplay
Lesson Focus: Jesus doesn’t care about our outside appearances.
Lesson 4:
Creative Teaching Method: Storytelling with Questions Only
Lesson Focus: Jesus cares about who we are on the inside.