Answering Common Questions About Jesus
Memory Verse:
“May you have power with all God’s people to understand Christ’s love. May you know how wide and long and high and deep it is.” Ephesians 3:18 (NIV)
Lesson 1: Peter's Confession
Big Idea: Jesus is the Son of God and our Savior.
Scripture: Matthew 16:13-23
Worship Songs: Jireh, Whom Shall I Fear, Goodness Of God
Game Video: Seashell Shuffle
Object Lesson: Name Tag
Lesson 2: The Temptation of Jesus
Big Idea: Jesus knows what it’s like to be human.
Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
Worship Songs: There's Nothing Our God Can't Do, You Make Me Brave, Jireh
Game Video: At The Beach Closeups
Object Lesson: Sports Team Hat
Lesson 3: The Resurrection
Big Idea: Jesus is not dead; He is alive!
Scripture: Matthew 28:1-14
Worship Songs: Graves Into Gardens, Jireh, House Of The Lord
Game Video: Dad Jokes
Object Lesson: Magnifying Glass
Lesson 4: Jesus Prepares a Place for Us
Big Idea: Jesus wants to give us the Holy Spirit and eternal life.Scripture: John 14:1-4, 14:26-27
Worship Songs: Jireh, Goodness Of God, House Of The Lord
Game Video: Ice Cream Cone Bible Trivia
Object Lesson: Compass