June 2025 - Influencers
Today, “influencer” is an important word that is usually reserved for discussing social media. An influencer is someone who has caught the attention of many people, and truly wields influence over what their followers do, eat, buy, and think. But two-thousand years ago, the author of Hebrews called upon all Jesus followers to be influencers; to exert influence on one another so that we can grow closer to Jesus together.
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24
Lesson 1: Influencing those who don’t follow Jesus.
Synopsis: In Hebrews 13:1-3, the author talks about two different kinds of influence. First is the influence between brothers and sisters in Christ in God’s family. Second, is influence directed toward those outside of the church. When it comes to influence, it is important for us to understand who we are and what role they play in each of our relationships. This is a lesson that our children need to learn early. God puts two different kinds of people in our lives; people who are here to influence us, and people we are here to influence. A child should be able to easily assess this dynamic with every friend, acquaintance, teammate, and classmate by asking a simple question… Did God put this person in my life so that they could influence me, or so that I could influence them?
Scripture: Hebrews 13:1-3
Lesson 2: Following the influence of our leaders.
Synopsis: We are instructed to look to exemplary leaders in the church as examples and to imitate them. Why is the influence of our elders so important?
Scripture: Hebrews 13:7-8, Hebrews 13:17
Lesson 3: Avoiding sin’s influence.
Synopsis: We are called to throw off the influence of sin and anything else that may hinder and entangle our faith. Whatever pulls us away from God is a bad influence. And God warns us to stay away from the influence of evil because He knows that sin can stop us from becoming all that we can be in Him.
Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-3
Lesson 4: Influencing each other to do good things.
Synopsis: “Spur One another on toward love and good deeds.” As Jesus followers we are to influence one another to grow closer to Him.
Scripture: Hebrews 10:19-35
Lesson 5: Influence each other through peaceful friendships.
Synopsis: We are called to live at peace with one another and to influence our relationships for harmony. We do this by worshiping God together, sharing with one another, and dealing with any “bitter roots” that may cause division.
Scripture: Hebrews 12:14-15, Hebrews 13:15-16
Memory Verse:
Bible Story:
Included Each Week: A craft, wiggle-tamer, table time activity, discussion questions, take-home page, and more.
Lesson 1:
Creative Teaching Method:
This Week’s Focus:
Lesson 2:
Creative Teaching Method:
This Week’s Focus:
Lesson 3:
Creative Teaching Method:
This Week’s Focus:
Lesson 4:
Creative Teaching Method:
This Week’s Focus: