Dive In
How to Study God's Word!
Memory Verse:
“Your word is like a lamp that shows me the way. It is like a light that guides me.” Psalm 119:105 (NIV)
Lesson 1: Scripture Prepares Equips Us For Every Good Work
Big Idea: The Bible has answers for any question they face in life.
Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14-17
Worship Songs: Jireh, You Never Let Go, Ever Be
Game Video: Red, White, and Who?
Object Lesson: Starfish
Lesson 2: Philip and the Ethiopian
Big Idea: When you start reading the Bible, read with someone who can help you answer your questions.Scripture: Acts 8:26-39
Worship Songs: Who You Say I Am, Ever Be, You Never Let Go
Game Video: Surfer, Wave, Palm Tree
Object Lesson: Swim Goggles
Lesson 3: The Temptation of Jesus
Big Idea: Memory verses can help us when we need help.Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
Worship Songs: Ever Be, You Never Let Go, You Make Me Brave
Game Video: Gold Medal Memory
Object Lesson: Life Jacket
Lesson 4: The Fellowship of Believers
Big Idea: We need to read the Bible every day.
Scripture: Acts 2:42-47
Worship Songs: Ever Be, Who You Say I Am, King of My Heart
Game Video: Under The Sea Closeups
Object Lesson: Flippers
Lesson 5: Hear O Israel
Big Idea: Share what you’ve learned in the Bible with someone.
Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Worship Songs: Ever Be, You Never Let Go, King Of My Heart
Game Video: Rock Race
Object Lesson: Underwater Camera