July 2025 - Jesus and Jonah
Why did Jesus associate Himself with the world's worst prophet? There’s a lot more to it than the “three days'' connection. Jesus came to fulfill all of the Law and the Prophets; and that includes Jonah’s story. Let’s discover how Jesus fulfills and redeems the story of a disobedient, resentful, self-centered prophet.
"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith." Hebrews 12:1-2 (condensed)
Lesson 1: Jesus is like Jonah, & is also very different.
Synopsis: The Sign of Jonah: Jesus touts Jonah as a model of His salvific work by telling the Pharisees, “I will give you the sign of Jonah” and paralleling Jonah’s three days in the belly of a fish to the three days that He would be in the grave. But this is just one of many similarities that Jesus’ story shares with that of Jonah. Both stories feature God’s calling upon a man, a storm at sea, Gentiles casting lots, grace for lost people, and an ascension. Additionally, in each account, God kills a plant. In this lesson, we’ll primarily focus on their similarities. As Jonah was sent to bring salvation to Nineveh, Jesus was sent to bring salvation to the whole earth. We’ll hint at their differences while avoiding spoilers in the weeks ahead.
Scripture: Luke 11:24-28, Jonah 1
Lesson 2: Jesus was perfectly obedient to God.
Synopsis: Jonah disobeyed God’s call, but Jesus was perfectly obedient; even to the point of death.
Scripture: Jonah 1, Phil 2:8
Lesson 3: Jonah caused a storm, but Jesus calmed one.
Synopsis: Jonah’s rebellion resulted in a violent storm at sea that threatened the lives of everyone onboard the boat. But when Jesus encountered a storm at sea, He put a stop to it. Jonah’s faithless disobedience brought chaos and the threat of death. Jesus’ faithfulness and perfect obedience brought peace to a chaotic situation. Jesus can calm the storms of life that are brought about by our own disobedience and rebellion.
Scripture: Jonah 1, Matt 8:23-27
Lesson 4: Jesus is everything that Jonah was not.
Synopsis: After preaching his message, Jonah retreated to the east, where mountain foothills overlook Nineveh. He ascended to a vantage point, assuming that Nineveh would fall away from God, and hoping to witness the city’s destruction. He ascended to a position of judgment, wishing death and destruction upon those to whom he ministered. But after Jesus’ earthly ministry, He ascended to a realm of glory, blessing His followers with peace, empowering them with the promise of the Holy Spirit, and leading them with the continuing cause of the Great Commission.
Scripture: Jonah 4, Luke 24:50-53
Memory Verse:
Bible Story:
Included Each Week: A craft, wiggle-tamer, table time activity, discussion questions, take-home page, and more.
Lesson 1:
Creative Teaching Method:
This Week’s Focus:
Lesson 2:
Creative Teaching Method:
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Lesson 3:
Creative Teaching Method:
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Lesson 4:
Creative Teaching Method:
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