Bible Lessons Based on the Feelings We All Have!
Memory Verse:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5 (NIV)
Week 1: Listening and Doing
Big Idea: We need to be slow to get angry.
Scripture: James 1:19-27
Worship Songs: Who You Say I Am, House Of The Lord, Ever Be
Game Video: New Or Old?
Object Lesson: Whipped Cream
Week 2: Jesus Calms the Storm
Big Idea: God can comfort us when we are afraid.Scripture: Mark 4:35-41
Worship Songs: No Longer Slaves, You Make Me Brave, Who You Say I Am
Game Video: Don't Lose the Snowman
Object Lesson: Flashlight
Week 3: Jesus Heals The 10 Lepers
Big Idea: God wants us to love everybody.Scripture: Luke 17:11-19
Worship Songs: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, House Of The Lord, Ever Be
Game Video: Snowball Fight
Object Lesson: Twinkies & Carrots
Week 4: Jesus Raises Lazarus From The Dead
Big Idea: God can comfort us when we are sad
Scripture: John 11:17-44
Worship Songs: No Longer Slaves, Who You Say I Am, Ever Be
Game Video: Penguin Curling
Object Lesson: Eggs
Week 5: Jesus Meets Zacchaeus
Big Idea: Jesus can turn our sadness and hard times into joy.
Scripture: Luke 19:1-9
Worship Songs: No Longer Slaves, House Of The Lord, Who You Say I Am
Game Video: Snowflake Fakeout
Object Lesson: Rubber Duck