Pumpkin Parables

Pumpkin Parables

Small Stories With Big Meanings 

Preschool Lessons Now Included!

Each month will now include a preschool lesson that matches the theme of the Elementary lesson and can be used throughout the month.

Preschool Main Idea: God Is Better Than Anything

Preschool Bible Story: Matthew 13:44-46, The Stories of the Pearl and the Treasure



“Lord, show me your ways. Teach me how to follow you.” - Psalm 25:4

Week 1: Pumpkin Patch

Big Idea: Kids will learn that once we realize how great God is, we will value it more than anything else in the world.
Scripture: Matthew 13:44-46, The Stories of the Pearl and the Treasure
Worship Songs:  Jireh, Goodness of God, Whom Shall I Fear
Game Video: Bible Basics: Riddles
Object Lesson: Parable Of The Treasure - Following Jesus

Week 2: Seeds

Big Idea: Kids will learn that when we put our trust in God, he can turn a little faith into something great.
Scripture: Matthew 13:31-34, The Stories of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast
Worship Songs:  Jireh, Whom Shall I Fear, You Never Let Go
Game Video: Books of the Bible Survival Game 2
Object Lesson: Parable Of The Mustard Seed - Small But Mighty

Week 3: Hard Shell

Big Idea: Kids will learn that God doesn't want us to become hard but to have soft and forgiving hearts.
Scripture: Matthew 18:21-35, The Story of the Unmerciful Servant
Worship Songs: Goodness of God, You Never Let Go, Raise a Hallelujah
Game Video: Books of the Bible Survival Game 3
Object Lesson: Parable Of The Unforgiving Servant - Forgiveness

Week 4: Stem

Big Idea: Kids will learn that we must stay connected to Jesus if we are to keep becoming more like Jesus.
Scripture: John 15:1-12, The Vine and the Branches
Worship Songs:  You Never Let Go, Raise a Hallelujah, Great Things
Game Video: Pumpkin Shuffle
Object Lesson: Parable Of The Vine - Connecting With Jesus

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