Some Assembly Required
Teach Kids God Can Build Something Awesome With Their Lives!
Preschool Main Idea: I Can Follow God's Plan
Preschool Bible Story: 1 Kings 17:7-24, Elijah and the Widow
“Every house is built by someone. But God is the builder of everything.” Hebrews 3:4 (NIrV)
Week 1: Follow The Directions
Big Idea: Kids will learn that in our lives, we need to follow God's direction.
Scripture: 1 Kings 17:7-24, Elijah and the Widow
Worship Songs: Graves into Gardens, You Never Let Go, Monumental God
Game Video: Erase Race
Object Lesson: Following God’s Direction - Elijah & The Widow
Week 2: Put The Pieces Together
Big Idea: Kids will learn that when they give everything to God, he makes all things work together perfectly
Scripture: Judges 7:1-22, Gideon's Army
Worship Songs: Graves into Gardens, Great Things, Jireh
Game Video: Rotten Apples
Object Lesson: God’s Big Picture - Gideon’s Army
Week 3: Finish The Build
Big Idea: Kids will learn that we need to keep walking with God until the end.
Scripture: Genesis 6:9-7:5, Noah's Ark
Worship Songs: You Never Let Go, Jireh, See a Victory
Game Video: Lunchbox Shuffle
Object Lesson: God Is Faithful - Noah
Week 4: Make Something New
Big Idea: Kids will learn that God is always working in our lives, making us new.
Scripture: Genesis 28:10-22, Jacob's Dream of a Staircase
Worship Songs: You Never Let Go, Monumental God, Great Things
Game Video: Dance Dance Freeze 2
Object Lesson: Jacob & Esau - God's Plan