Being misunderstood is a frustration that children can relate to. And, it is a frustration that Jesus experienced frequently. Throughout His earthly ministry, specifically in the final days, Jesus was constantly misunderstood.
The crowds thought that His entry into Jerusalem marked the beginning of a military coup. The disciples thought that the Last Supper was an opportunity to establish authority for themselves. Pilate thought that he had the power to determine Jesus’ fate. At the crucifixion, everyone mistook Jesus’ greatest triumph as His ultimate defeat. Even when Jesus rose from the grave, His followers didn’t understand what had happened.
But this Easter, their misunderstandings can teach us about the awesome power, love, and grace of Jesus.
"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18
Week 1: Jesus came to lead a revolution of love.
Synopsis: The triumphal entry was an important event, full of significance. It was beautiful because Jesus was praised and recognized as the King and Savior that He is. But it was also tragic because the same crowds that praised Jesus would soon turn on Him because they misunderstood what He was about. He didn't meet their expectations. They expected a political leader to lead a revolt and free Israel from Rome. But Jesus came to lead a different kind of revolution, a revolution of love and sacrifice.
Scripture: Matthew 21, The Triumphal Entry
Worship Songs: Happy Day, See a Victory, Graves Into Gardens
Game Video: Jelly Bean Jumble
Bible Story Video: Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Week 2: Jesus wants us to serve one another humbly.
Synopsis: At the Last Supper, the disciples knew that something big was about to happen. Jesus rode into town, praised by the masses, and cleansed the temple courts. His popularity exploded as he taught in the temple every day. The religious leaders couldn't stop him. But the disciples misunderstood what was happening. They thought that Jesus was about to take political control. So they used this opportunity to jockey for rank. They argued over who would be the greatest in Jesus' new order. But Jesus set them straight.
Scripture: Luke 22, The Last Supper
Worship Songs: See a Victory, Graves Into Gardens, Oh How I Love Jesus
Game Video: Bible Trivia: 12 Disciples
Bible Story Video: The Last Supper
Week 3: Jesus used His power to help others, not Himself
Synopsis: In John 10, Jesus insists that nobody can take His life from Him. He is in complete control, and He laid down his life willingly. And when Pilate tried to claim that he had power over His life, Jesus assured Pilate that the governor misunderstood the situation. The only power Pilate had was given to Him by Jesus' Father in Heaven. Even though Jesus had ultimate power, He used it selflessly to save us instead of saving Himself.
Scripture: John 18, Jesus and Pilate
Worship Songs: See A Victory, Graves Into Gardens, Oh How I Love Jesus
Game Video: Bible Heroes Unmasked
Bible Story Video: Jesus Before Pilate
Week 4: Jesus' death was His greatest victory.
Synopsis: Everybody but Jesus seemed to misunderstand what happened when He died. Jesus' enemies thought it was a victory for them. The disciples thought it was a defeat. The Romans thought that it was the end of a small uprising. But later, it came to be understood as the victory, where Jesus defeated sin. Colossians 2 tells us that at the cross, Jesus disarmed and triumphed over the forces of evil.
Scripture: John 19, The Crucifixion
Worship Songs: Graves Into Gardens, Oh How I Love Jesus, See A Victory
Game Video: Rotten Easter Eggs
Bible Story Video: The Crucifixion
Week 5: Jesus offers life beyond our greatest hopes.
Synopsis: Easter Sunday was full of misunderstandings. Mary thought that Jesus' body had been stolen. And when she saw Jesus, she thought He was a gardener. The disciples didn't understand what was going on. Even though Jesus told them repeatedly that He would raise from the dead, nobody understood that this is what had happened. You can't blame them. It probably just seemed too good to be true. But Jesus really is that good. He offers us life beyond what we could ever hope for.
Scripture: John 20, Sunday Morning
Worship Songs: Happy Day, See A Victory, Graves Into Gardens
Game Video: Easter Eggscape Room
Bible Story Video: The Resurrection
March Worship Songs: Oh How I Love Jesus, Happy Day
March Memory Verse: “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” -1 Corinthians 1:18
March Main Idea: Jesus gives us life!
March Bible Story: Jesus is Alive! -John 20:1-18
Included Each Week: A craft, wiggle-tamer, table time activity, discussion questions, take-home page, and more.
Week 1
Creative Teaching Method: Storytelling with PropsThis Week’s Focus: Jesus loves you more than you can imagine.
Week 2
Creative Teaching Method: Storytelling with PicturesThis Week’s Focus: Jesus shows us how to serve others.
Week 3
Creative Teaching Method: Storytelling with Interactive RoleplayThis Week’s Focus: Jesus gives us life.
Week 4
Creative Teaching Method: Storytelling with Questions OnlyThis Week’s Focus: Jesus makes us clean.
Week 5
Creative Teaching Method: “Tussled Tale” StorytellingThis Week’s Focus: Jesus is our reason to celebrate.