April 2025 - The Big Plan
Jesus had an agenda to save humanity from sin. But His agenda wasn’t the only one. Some sought to gain power, some sought to hold onto power, and some just wanted to sustain the status quo. We’ll talk about Jesus’ agenda during the days before He was crucified, and what happens when our own agendas don’t align with His.
"…the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28
Lesson 1: The disciples wanted to rise to power.
Synopsis: The disciples believed that as part of Jesus’ kingdom they would soon be the ones in power. Even in the last hours before He was crucified, they discussed who would hold the greatest positions of power in His new government. Sometimes we can have the same kind of agenda – wanting to follow Jesus because of how He might serve our desires.
Scripture: Luke 19:28-48, Luke 21:5-6, Matt 20:25-28
Lesson 2: Religious leaders wanted to hold onto their power.
Synopsis: The larger Jesus’ following became, the more the religious leaders grew jealous and afraid of Him. They felt that Jesus was a threat to their own power and authority. Their agenda was to hold onto the positions of influence that they held. This is one of the main reasons that they put Jesus on trial. These Pharisees, rabbis, and scholars seem petty from our point of view. But the truth is that Jesus can be a threat to the things that we want to hold onto. If I live Jesus’ way, I give up my power to live my own way. If Jesus is my authority, then I must give up taking charge of my own life.
Scripture: Matt 26:57-68, Matt 16:24
Lesson 3: The Roman government just didn’t want any trouble.
Synopsis: Rome’s agenda was to squelch any uprising or rebellion that could make things more difficult for them. This is why Pilate, the Roman governor, was at a loss as to what to do about Jesus. Even though he saw no guilt in Jesus, Pilate chose the course of action that would make his own life easier. He tried to escape involvement, and he tried to placate Jesus’ accusers. But in the end, he gave the demanding mob what they wanted, and washed his own hands of any responsibility. Sometimes we can have an agenda like Pilate’s. We just want things to be easy. We don’t take a stand because we don’t want to deal with the fallout. But Jesus doesn’t offer us a life that is easy. He offers us life that is abundant; full and meaningful.
Scripture: Matt 27:11-26, John 10:10
Lesson 4: Jesus came to save us from sin & defeat death.
Synopsis: Jesus’ agenda was to give His life for us & conquer sin & death, which is why He went to the cross.
Scripture: Matt 20:28, Matt 21:1-17, Luke 19:47, Luke 24:1-12
Lesson 5: Jesus calls us to continue His agenda.
Synopsis: After He rose from the grave, Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission, which is His continuing agenda for the church. To this day, our agenda is still to make disciples of Jesus throughout the world.
Scripture: Matt 28:16-20
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Included Each Week: A craft, wiggle-tamer, table time activity, discussion questions, take-home page, and more.
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Creative Teaching Method:
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Lesson 3:
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Lesson 4:
Creative Teaching Method:
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