Candy Hearts
Teach kids what the Bible says about loving others.
Memory Verse:
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." John 15:12 (NIV)
Week 1: Loving Our Enemies
Big Idea: We cannot overcome evil with evil, but we can overcome evil with good
Scripture: Proverbs 25:1-22
Worship Songs: Goodness of God, Jesus Loves Me, Raise A Hallelujah
Game Video: Escape the Mine 1
Object Lesson: Candy Hearts
Week 2: Loving Our Families
Big Idea: We need to love our families, even when they make us crazy.Scripture: Genesis 37:17B-36, 45:1-15
Worship Songs: Jesus Loves Me, House Of The Lord, Who You Say I Am
Game Video: Candy Heart Shuffle
Object Lesson: Magnets
Week 3: Loving Those In Need
Big Idea: If we are truly followers of Christ, we will go out and serve the needy in His name.Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46
Worship Songs: Goodness of God, No Longer Slaves, Jesus Loves Me
Game Video: Will Timmy Eat It
Object Lesson: Cereal Box
Week 4: Pentecost
Big Idea: We can share Jesus with others by telling them who Jesus is, what he did, and how he has changed our life.Scripture: Acts 2:17-39
Worship Songs: Jesus Loves Me, Who You Say I Am, See A Victory
Game Video: Sloth Race
Object Lesson: Birthday Card